Inspire Scholarship 2013: List of Eligible Students


List of students eligible for Inspire Scholarship 2013 has been published by the DHSE, Kerala. Inspire Scholarship is an innovative programme developed by the the Department of Science & Technology to attract talent to the study of science at an early age, and to help the country build the required critical resource pool for strengthening and expanding the Science & Technology system and Research & Development base. It is a programme with long term foresight.
The  eligibility note issued by DHSE is only to inform students of their eligibility to apply for Inspire Scholarship, provided they have secured admission in any College or University or academic institution at the under graduate or five year integrated post-graduate science course in the year 2013, in any of the following science subjects only:
1.Physics, 2.Chemistry, 3.Mathematics, 4.Biology, 5.Statistics, 6.Geology, 7.Astrophysics, 8.Astronomy, 9.Electronics, 10.Botany, 11.Zoology, 12.Bio-chemistry, 13.Anthropology, 14.Microbiology, 15.Geophysics, 16.Geochemistry, 17.Atmospheric Sciences and 18.Oceanic Sciences, either as major/honours or as their combination in BSc/Integrated MSc/Integrated MS course.

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